Food and diet

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Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby is an expert on food allergies. His testimony, that the reason why a young man became murderously violent was due to a food allergy, was accepted by a UK Crown Court. The young man was released on the condition that he should follow Dr. Keith Scott-Mumby’s diet. link

Recently, I have been researching and experimenting how food could help improve my health and strengthen my immune system. I have tried the plant based diet for several month, eating nothing but vegetables, juices and smoothies, until…I found I have shingles.

While it’s hard to pinpoint the culprit of those annoying shingles, I suspect that’s due to a lack of Lysine, based on this post. So according to this article, I should add salmon, eat more avocado, and yogurt.

I thought it’s perfectly safe to have a plant based diet, but apparently I was wrong. We should be cautious like the detectives are, about our diet.